The Carleton Tavern has been a popular gathering spot for almost 90 years. The building itself dates even further back to the pioneering days of 1896 when lumberman James William Burnett established a general store on the site. In the years to follow it served the community as a butcher shop, a fruit market, and even a confectionary store.
It later became the Carleton Hotel, but was sold by the Moran family in 1941 when they decided there was no future in liquor sales! One of the new partners was Harold Starr, who had played for both the Ottawa Rough Riders and the original Ottawa Senators. The hotel quickly became a popular hangout with the sports crowd, and in 1951 was renamed The Carleton Tavern.
A lot of history has happened here, but one thing hasn’t changed. The Carleton Tavern is still the neighbourhood meeting place that welcomes the entire city.